What Happens If Dental Flippers Are Not Worn?

People with a missing tooth, know well how it can make eating difficult and lower their confidence. When we are missing one or more teeth in the back of our mouth, we usually don’t consider it a big deal. This is because they remain invisible when we smile. But the same can not be done with the front missing teeth. As it not only affects the smile but also lowers the confidence.

Replacing missing teeth with dental flippers or implants is an important part to restore confidence in our smile. Many of us ignore missing teeth without knowing that it is also important for a fully functioning bite and maintaining dental health. Retainers For Missing Teeth also known as dental flippers are usually chosen more than dental implants. Those who don’t want a recent implant also use dental flippers as a good alternative. 

Using dental flippers helps to prevent the need for dental implants. These are affordable dental products that result best for those who have a limited budget or don’t want to face the high cost of the implant due to expire dental insurance, high cost, etc. Some patients with missing teeth ignore wearing dental flippers without even knowing its drawbacks. This makes it important for each patient to know about the benefits of dental flippers and the disadvantages of not wearing them. Below are some points that clear what happens if dental flippers are not worn.

Affect on jawbone and face:-

Replacing missing teeth is always recommended by dental experts to prevent the effects on jawbone and face. When dental flippers are not worn properly and regularly, or as per the requirement, the jawbone shrinks. Not wearing a flipper make the jawbone weak which further causes issues like fractured jaw and tooth loss. Due to the absence of teeth in the mouth, the face starts looking dull and old. The gap of the missing teeth affects the other teeth and facial muscles. This also becomes the major reason behind aging. 

Worsen dental problems:-

Not wearing a flipper make also worsens dental problems. The gap that results due to missing teeth forces the jaw to work properly. It also put high stress on the teeth close to it. This makes the other teeth weak and also changes their position. Ignoring missing teeth causes shifting of the teeth. The teeth shift out of alignment which further creates more dental problems. It also makes it harder to keep the teeth clean and avoid the buildup of bacteria, plague, etc.

Change in bite:-

Missing teeth seems to be normal until the patient starts facing a change in bite. Even one missing tooth can totally change the bite. With missing teeth, it is not just the bite that changes but it also gives space for the food to get stuck. When a dental flipper is not worn for a long time, the teeth start shifting and increase the risk of cracks or chips. On the other side, the regular use of retainers for missing teeth helps to prevent tooth decay, jawbone shrinking, jaw pain, cracks and chips, TMJ, gum diseases, and shifting of the teeth. It also helps to prevent premature aging, speech impediments, and bite alignment issues. 


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