How Soft Night Guard Prevents Teeth From Clenching?

Clenching of teeth during the night, while sleeping includes holding the teeth together while tightening the muscles of the jaw. The grinding and clenching of teeth are the dental conditions popularly known as bruxism. They are not just painful but are also responsible for destroying the teeth. The use of a good night guard is one of the best ways to prevent the teeth from clenching and grinding. The purpose behind using the night guards is to protect the teeth and jaw while sleeping.

Habitual teeth clenching and grinding of teeth can be highly damaging to overall oral health. They are responsible for causing several issues such as headaches, cracked or chipped teeth, pain in the jaw, and TMJ disorders. Hard and soft night guards for clenching are two common types of night guards that are recommended by experts to prevent such dental conditions. Both the types of night guard work much similar but are used for different types of teeth conditions. The use of a soft night guard help to prevent the clenching by:-

They Cushion Teeth:-

Soft night guards help by cushioning the teeth. They act as a protective layer between the upper and lower teeth and prevent them from clenching. They are best at reducing the amount of pressure that is applied on the upper as well as the lower jaw. With the use of these night guards, the teeth get a cushion while clenching. This further prevents them from putting pressure on the jaw muscles and also from getting damage.


soft night guard for clenching

They Create a Barrier:-

Where regular clenching of the teeth while sleeping and not taking proper precautions to prevent it, causes excessive pressure on the jaw muscles that further causes earaches, headaches, cracked teeth, temporomandibular joint problems, and soreness of the jaw, there the use of a customized soft night guard works by creating a soft barrier between the teeth. This barrier acts as a protective layer and prevents the teeth from damage.

Reduce Muscle Strain:-

The use of both hard and soft night guards helps to reduce muscle strain. But they are both used for different types of dental conditions. Soft night guards are best for those people who face occasional or mild cases of teeth grinding. They are not recommended by the experts to those who are severe teeth grinders. A soft night guard can be customized easily. They are made of a soft material like rubber that is more flexible than the hard night guard.

Soft night guards are made of thin material which makes them easy as well as safe to use. This type of night guard is best for those with mild bruxism or who just clench but don’t grind their teeth. In comparison to the hard night guards, soft night guards for teeth are found to be more effective. They are easy to use and are much comfortable than the other night guards. Along with this they are also much affordable than hard night guards and feel less bulky or obtrusive to the user in the mouth. Because of this the user also doesn’t face any sleep problems while using them.


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